2-node-supercomputer.net 2018-06-01
The Singer 327K is a sewing machine. If it is missing a part, you may be wondering, which part? And are there more parts missing?
To the rescue comes the parts list. Where to get it from? Some companies sell you parts list. However, it seems that Singer puts the parts lists of its old machines free available on the net. They are just a bit difficult to find. Thus, without further ado, here it is: 327K 328K 329K. Yes, quite systematic the folks at singerco.com. I also included the parts lists for the 328K and 329K models, because they use a lot of the same parts. Hence, you can easily check if a part, say, advertized to fit model 328K also fits model 327K.
Finally, the manual is online as well, and a manual for the full family of similar models. If anyone knows where to get the service manual, let me know.
Oh, and in case you were wondering what the ‘K’ suffix means on the model number. It indicates where the machine was manufactured. ‘K’ stands for, uh… ah…, a place in Scotland. Forgot the exact name. But that is easy to find out. Much easier than finding the parts list.